Cover Letters: The Jurassic Park of Job Applications in 2023

Published on
May 20, 2024
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As we usher in the year 2023, it's time for an honest discussion: Is the cover letter still pulling its weight, or has it become a relic of the past? Buckle up; we're about to explore this question.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Picture this: It's 1956, and Dutch Boy Paints has just posted a job ad for an industrial paint chemist. Their request? Résumés must be mailed in, complete with a cover letter. Fast forward a few years, and services emerged to help job-seekers perfect their cover letters. Ah, the good old days!

The Tech Revolution

Now, let's fast-track to the present. Technology has transformed the job application game. We've gone from snail-mailing résumés to faxing them and, ultimately, submitting applications online. But guess what hasn't changed much? Yep, the cover letter. It's like that classic vinyl record you can't bear to part with.

Once upon a time, the cover letter served as a window into your personality, a chance to say, "Hey, I'm more than just bullet points on a résumé!" But in today's world of instant updates and digital footprints, it's starting to feel a bit like a rotary phone.

2023 Reality Check: The Cover Letter's Decline

Here's the scoop: in a world where we can practically stalk someone's entire life on social media, the cover letter is like sending a telegram when there's email.

Why the Cover Letter Is Losing Its Shine

Let's break down why the cover letter might be on the way out:

  1. Déjà Vu: Cover letters often rehash what's in your résumé. It's like watching a movie and then reading the book version afterward.
  2. Online Presence: Thanks to social media and professional networking sites, hiring managers can gather more intel about you than ever before.
  3. Time Drain: Crafting custom cover letters for each application can be a time-consuming chore. Your time is better spent binge-watching your favorite series.

The Verdict: A Fading Tradition

In a nutshell, the cover letter's relevance in 2023 is waning. While some employers may still hold it dear, the savvy job seekers among us recognize it's a bit of a throwback.