How does a new effortless revenue stream sound?

Earn from 400-5.000€ per successful B2B intro.
*This is a B2B Referral Program, not a Candidate Referral Program.

Hey there! It's great to see you here – it seems we have a lot in common. At, we've launched a B2B referral program, recognizing that the best connections often come through amazing people like you. Our experience working with startups and scale-ups has shown us the power of referrals in finding new clients. So, let's make the most of our network! Not only will this program help us grow, but it also rewards you for the valuable introductions you provide. It's a win-win situation. Welcome aboard! I'm curious, how is your week going? Perhaps you're already in conversation with someone looking to hire – why not refer them and benefit from our program, today?

What are the traits of our best partners?

Are Well-Connected:
Have a robust and extensive network within the startup ecosystem, especially in tech-driven sectors.
Maintain strong relationships with founders, entrepreneurs, and key decision-makers in the startup community.
Have a Broad Influence:
Possess a notable presence or influence in specific geographical areas or sectors.
Are Serial Entrepreneurs or Sector Experts:
Have a history of successful entrepreneurial ventures across a range of sectors, illustrating versatility and a deep understanding of various market needs.
Are regarded as thought leaders or go-to experts in their respective domains.
Demonstrate a Commitment to Community Building:
Are involved in or have founded associations or groups that support startups, indicating a commitment to fostering a supportive ecosystem.
Show a Track Record of Making Referrals:
Have demonstrated the ability to refer key clients and are proactive in recommending services that add value to their network.
Hold Strategic Roles in Startups, Innovation-Focused or PR:
Occupy positions that put them in constant contact with emerging startups and companies looking to hire, positioning them ideally for referring quality clients to
Are Innovators with a Passion for Growth:
Embrace innovation and growth, actively participating in the scaling of startups and the introduction of new technologies or services.
Have an International Outlook:
Ideal partners should have a network or activities that have a multinational reach, offering potential for to tap into a global client base.

Our Services - What to offer? is a Recruitment Boutique and Talent Marketplace, founded after years of experience of the founders in the executive recruiting industry and the startup world in many countries across Europe and the Americas. was a demand of our ecosystem friends and partners, who we always helped in talent acquisition strategy and operations.
We love simplicity. Cliché phrases, long corporate videos, websites full of animations ... we don't like that.
Our approach is to solve your problems, analyzing hiring challenges and suggesting the simplest and most effective solution we find, considering the available technology, budget and candidates. We specialize in startups, scaleups, and smb’s talent strategy outsourcing and recruiting.

1. Our classic: Dedicated Recruitment Services

Simple, transparent pricing. Success Fees: risk free, client just pay if hires our candidates.
Success Fees from 15-25% of the candidate’s annual base salary (according to job requirements and exclusivity)
Gain exclusive access to dedicated support from our Talent Partners to facilitate your next hiring success.
Smart and fast Headhunting
Specific positions, specific talent. Let us know the roles you need to hire and we will tell you if we can help. We specialize in non-tech roles: sales, HR, marketing, OPS, investment, retail and other areas. Our approach here is quite simple, with no over-promises, from the most simple network-related strategy to an international complex talent hacking plan. Success-based flat fees, with or without a guarantee period, depending on what you prefer. recruitment services contemplate the following process
1 requires a complete Job Description for each role, also supporting the Client if needed, containing:
Skills and experience requirements
Personality preferences
Remuneration package
Applicable benefits
Advertising Vacancies will advertise the job on internal and external job boards at no additional cost.
Sourcing and Pre-screening will perform searches on private or public candidate databases and check the Essential requirements for the role with all involved candidates.
Interview Process will perform video interviews or phone validations with candidates, making sure that the candidate is aware of the job offer, requirements, and other details.
Shortlist Process
We will share a shortlist with an average of 3-5 valid candidates per role, within 7-10 working days. If we are not able to fulfill this timeline, we will communicate with the Client via e-mail to agree on the new timeline. The shortlist could be shared on a live board or through the Client´s ATS vendor link, depending on the Client's preference.
Client Interviews will assist the Client in scheduling the interviews with the pre-approved candidates, in the best way to follow the Client's operational procedures. From this milestone on, the Client is responsible for contacting the candidates and moving through any recruitment steps in place, with our assistance if needed.
Job offer
The Client should communicate and share the details (compensation pack, start date) with after sharing job offers with any shortlisted candidates, being responsible for communicating, scheduling the onboarding, or any necessary legal procedure.

2. Non-tech Talent Marketplace

Our subscription model platform, where employers can post jobs for free, but pay to unlock the applied candidates and the complete database, besides our AI interviewer.

Here’s how works

Sign Up

Sign up for free within few minutes
in a hassle free way !

Post Job Ad

Post your jobs for free and start receiving qualified inbound applications from verified talent from the ambi network.

Voila! It’s done

use our platform's resources to access a pool of passive candidates

These companies already trust Ambi

And many more...

Why Us?

Great question. With so many recruitment agencies and talent marketplaces out there, why choose us to partner with?
It's simple: we adopt a no-bullshit approach. And that's the truth.
I've been through the corporate recruitment maze, a world riddled with empty promises and unfair practices. Managers often mislead recruiters, consultancies can be unjust with their commissions, and the focus frequently shifts to pleasing higher-ups over actual results.
However, my perspective changed dramatically when I helped to launch the first international startup incubator in Portugal. That experience was enlightening. We identified highly promising entrepreneurs, assisted them in finding co-founders, securing initial investments, and making their first hires. I gained invaluable insights from interacting with seasoned startup founders, venture capitalists, shareholders, and business angels.
That journey led to the creation of ambi.
Our mission? To help A-class non-tech professionals to find life-changing job opportunities at the best tech companies, via our recruitment consultancy or Talent Marketplace.
We're deeply embedded in the startup world, understanding its nuances and needs. Sure, we're not perfect; we miss the mark at times, and mistakes happen. But our commitment to our clients and candidates is genuine and steadfast.
Another key point: we're bootstrapped. A lean, agile team working across borders, enjoying every step of this journey. Our ambition is grand, aiming to become the premier recruitment hub (agency + marketplace + future products) for startups and scaleups in Europe and South America.
So, that's our story. Know anyone hiring this week? Don't hesitate to recommend ;)

Commission Rules

Welcome to the Referral Program! Our commission rules are straightforward and rewarding.

Recruitment Services

Commission Structure:
Standard Commission: Earn a 15% commission for each successful referral that results in a hire.
Payment Schedule: Commissions are paid out within 15 days of the client's payment to ambi.
We mainly work with success recruitment fees, so for a referral to be valid, we need to place a candidate who starts working for the client.
We pay any referral just after we receive the payment from the client. You are responsible for invoicing us (via company, freelancing, etc.) to be paid.
The referrals are paid only on the first 3 jobs per client.
Client X was referred by you. They need to hire a Head of Sales, a Marketing Manager and a Head of Ops. We agree on a fee of 18% of the annual base salary for all jobs.
We end up placing the Marketing Manager and Head of Sales, salaries of 50K and 80K respectively.
Placed candidates accepted the offers and start working at Client X.
Client X pay us 9.000 for the Marketing Manager and 14.400 for the Head of Sales.
Your commission will be 1.350 for the Marketing Manager and 2.160 for the Head of Sales, or 3.510 in total. Nothing bad for a simple intro, is it?
Client X closes another 2 jobs with us at the same time, in the next 3 months.
You get a commission in just one of them, with the higher value, totalling 3 commissions per client.

Marketplace Subscription

Commission Structure:
Standard Commission: Earn a 15% commission per referred client enrolled on our subscription plans, forever.
Payment Schedule: Commissions are paid out every 4 months, based on the amount paid by the client.
For a referral to be valid, the client has to identify you as the Referral Partner when they start their subscription, using your name at the Code field.
We pay any referral just after we receive the payments from the client. You are responsible for invoicing us (via company, freelancing, etc.) to be paid.
The referrals are paid until the client remains a subscribed customer.

Become our Partner

Let's empower candidates, startups and scaleups together?
I am looking for
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ICP - Who to offer?

ICP: VC-backed, 20 to 500 employees, actively hiring, in the cities:
Lisboa, Porto, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sao Paulo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Paris, Roma, Milano, Berlin, CDMX, Santiago and more to come.
Basically, tech companies searching for non-tech professionals. Non-tech: sales, marketing, ops, investment, finance, accelerators, venture studios, etc.
We can offer dedicated success fee recruitment services, which is more expensive. Or, if the client has no budget for external recruitment or have an in-house team in place you could offer our talent marketplace subscription (soon).

Some personas

Early-Stage Startup - Founder Emma

Emma is the co-founder of an early-stage start-up, just starting her entrepreneurial journey.


Rapidly build a small but effective team to develop the company's product or service. Keep costs low while attracting talent who are willing to take risks and wear multiple hats.


Limited funding for competitive compensation packages. Attracting top talent who believe in the startup's vision and are willing to work with uncertainty .Lacking a structured HR department or clear hiring processes.

Pain Points

Finding candidates willing to accept lower initial salaries in exchange for equity. Ensuring that new hires can adapt quickly to a rapidly changing environment. Struggling with time-consuming, ad-hoc hiring processes that take focus away from core business activities.

Seed-Stage Startup - Sam

Sam is the founder of a startup that has secured seed(500K-1M) funding and is gearing up for growth.


Scale the team to meet increasing demand and accelerate product development. Build a strong organizational culture that reflects the startup's values and mission.


Attracting experienced talent within a limited budget. Ensuring that new hires align with the startup's culture and long-term goals. Developing efficient hiring processes and workflows.

Pain Points

Struggling to compete with larger competitors for top talent. Balancing the need for rapid hiring with maintaining quality and cultural fit. Managing the growing administrative burden of HR tasks as the team expands.

Seed Pre-Series A - TA Manager Casey

Casey is the Talent Acquisition Manager at a pre-Series A startup. They have a background in HR and talent acquisition and are responsible for all aspects of recruitment.


Build the initial team with key hires to bring the startup's vision to life. Identify and attract individuals who are passionate about joining an early-stage startup. Establish the foundation for efficient and scalable hiring processes as the company grows.


Limited resources and budget for hiring. Attracting experienced candidates who are willing to take the risk of joining an early - stage startup. Navigating the early stages of building the startup's employer brand and reputation. Developing hiring processes and systems from scratch.

Pain Points

Balancing the urgency of hiring with the need to find candidates who align with the startup's vision. Leveraging limited resources effectively to compete for top talent. Establishing an attractive employee value proposition to compete with more established companies. Creating a structured and streamlined recruitment process to handle an increasing number of roles.

Series A Startup - Head of Talent - Taylor

Taylor is the Head of Talent Acquisition at a Series A funded startup that has experienced significant growth. They have a background in talent acquisition and HR and are responsible for overseeing the company's entire recruitment process.


Scale the team across multiple departments to support growing operations. Attract top-tier talent and experienced leaders to drive the company's next phase of growth. Streamline and optimize the recruitment process to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding organization. the initial team with key hires to bring the startup's vision to life. Identify and attract individuals who are passionate about joining an early - stage startup. Establish the foundation for efficient and scalable hiring processes as the company grows.


Competing for talent with larger, more established companies. Maintaining the startup's unique culture a sit scales. Managing a high volume of applications and streamlining the hiring process. Balancing the need for speed and efficiency with maintaining quality and cultural fit.

Pain Points

Ensuring that the hiring process remains efficient and doesn't slowdown company growth. Identifying and addressing any potential cultural clashes as the company scales. Managing multiple recruitment initiatives and juggling various roles within the HR function. Developing strategies to continuously attract and retain top-tier talent, including leaders and specialists.

VC/VB Head of Platform or Manager - Tim

Marta is the Head of Plat format a venture builder or investment fund focused on supporting and growing startups within their portfolio. They have a background in business development, operations, or venture capital.


Develop a robust platform strategy to enhance the success of portfolio companies. Establish strategic partnerships with recruitment providers to offer valuable resources for portfolio companies. Ensure that portfolio companies have access to the best talent and can hire quickly to drive growth.


Challenges: Identifying and vetting reliable recruitment providers that align with the needs of diverse portfolio companies. Creating and managing partnerships that offer competitive advantages to the startups. Ensuring that portfolio companies leverage these partnerships effectively to meet their hiring goals.
Balancing the need for standardized resources with the unique needs of each portfolio company. for talent with larger, more established companies. Maintaining the startup's unique culture as it scales.
Managing a high volume of applications and streamlining the hiring process. Balancing the need for speed and efficiency with maintaining quality and cultural fit.

Pain Points

Ensuring Selecting recruitment providers that can cater to the diverse needs of portfolio companies, from early-stage to more mature startups. Ensuring that portfolio companies fully utilize the recruitment partnerships and derive value from them. Measuring the impact of these partnerships on portfolio companies' hiring success and overall growth. Addressing any potential conflicts or challenges that arise between recruitment providers and portfolio companies.

Some Real Cases - How much can I earn?

On average, each 15% referral for our recruitment services could represent 600-1.800€ (avg referral range) per placed candidate. Like this, you could make up to around 5.000€ per referred client.
On the other hand, the commissions for the marketplace will be lifetime, while the client has an active subscription. - TBD

Our friend Ben and his network from the UK

Ben is not just a friend but also a quintessential connector. As a serial entrepreneur, his journey spans across the creation of technology-driven products in diverse sectors, including FinTech, EdTech, HealthTech, LegalTech, PropTech, and even SexTech. His prowess in building these innovative solutions has cultivated a robust and highly qualified global network of founders, particularly strong in the UK and, since 2018, increasingly influential in Portugal. Leveraging this extensive network, Ben has been instrumental in referring key clients to ambi, further testifying to the platform's value and reach.

Fernando and the startup ecosystem in Portugal

Fernando is a well-known figure in the startup and innovation sectors. His extensive experience includes significant roles in notable startups and innovation-focused companies. Additionally, he's a co-founder of a highly successful association that has garnered over 1,000 members from startups across various countries, all based in Portugal. Fernando's extensive network keeps him in constant contact with new faces, expanding companies, and founders in the process of hiring. Given his deep involvement in this vibrant community, he frequently recommends as a go-to resource whenever the opportunity arises.

How to make an intro?

For recruitment services
Before the intro, share the details of the potential lead with, so we can make sure it’s aligned with our ICP
If ok, you can make an e-mail intro to, simple as that.
For our marketplace
If the company wants to use our talent marketplace and have access to our database, just tell them to sign up though this link:
They need to add your name as a Referral Partner at the Code field when signin up to a paid plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I invoice my commissions?
We need an invoice to pay commissions, so you can do it via your company or as a freelancer, depending on where you based. If none of these options we can check Paypal and Upwork.
What if the client doesn't pay the fees?
So we need to wait until the client pays, to pay your commissions.
What if I refer a lot of clients?
We are super open to speak about bonuses and other incentives, but as this program is new, let’s start generating new referrals 🙂
Can I share the program?  
We kindly ask you to ask us before sharing with other potential partners. We aim to have a maximum of 10 partners per city by now.
Do I have any targets? Can I leave the program?
No, we don’t want to create more pressure or work than you already have. But if you feel it’s not happening, and you cant make more intros, you could simply request to leave the program, groups and slack. 🙏🏽

Become our Partner

Let's empower candidates, startups and scaleups together?
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