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At, discover only the non-tech roles that matter most in startups and scaleups. Say goodbye to endless job boards and never-ending LinkedIn searches.

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Why? Because we genuinely care about creating a high-quality community of great professionals, one where the hottest companies want to be.

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If your profile and answers can demonstrate why you belong on, you're in.

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What ambi people say

Join us on the journey to make quality hiring the standard, not the exception.

I've found it via ambi made a real impact on my career. I recently landed an incredible Head of Operations role at a startup through their platform. It's not just a job search; it's a game-changer. If you're looking to level up your career in the non-tech field, is the way to go!

Javier Rodriguez
Ops Manager at Strable

It simply worked.

I've received a message one week after creating my profile at ambi, went through some interviews and got the job. It just worked, and I did manage all the other applications through the platform.

Sophie Moore
Head of Marketing at

"I got feedback"

Actually, I've got the job through another source, but did relevant interviews and got feedback from all the companies. That matters. I'm now using to hire for my new sales team.

Matt Cannon
Head of Sales at Diversia
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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know, and more.
What is, and how can it benefit non-tech professionals? is a talent marketplace designed to connect non-tech professionals with exciting job opportunities in startups, scaleups, and innovative tech companies. Our platform offers a unique space for candidates to discover and land non-tech roles in the tech industry, all while providing valuable insights and time-saving features.
How does it work for candidates?
Our marketplace is always free for candidates and allows them to explore job opportunities in the tech sector at no cost. You can browse and apply for jobs posted by companies, receive inbound messages from interested employers, and organize and track your applications while getting super valuable career insights.
How can I reach out for support or assistance?
We provide chat support for all users. You can always contact our support team for any questions, suggestions or assistance you may need.
Is my data safe and secure on
Yes, we take data security seriously. Your information is kept confidential and is subject to our strict privacy and security policies. We adhere to industry-standard practices to ensure your data remains safe while using our platform.
How can I make the most of my profile on
To maximize your profile's impact, complete it with accurate information, showcase your skills and experiences, and consider enabling visibility to potential employers. Profiles with creative, transparent, and trustful answers are more likely to catch the eye of the coolest companies.
Why is feedback important for candidates?
Feedback is crucial for candidates as it provides insights into their application and interview processes. Constructive feedback helps candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement, ultimately aiding in their career development and job search.
How can I expect feedback from employers on
We encourage employers to provide feedback to candidates after the application and interview processes. While we instruct employers to give feedback, we cannot guarantee that all employers will do so. However, we take this responsibility seriously and actively encourage feedback.
What should I do if I do not receive feedback from an employer?
If you do not receive feedback from an employer after an application or interview, you can follow up politely to request feedback. However, please understand that while we encourage feedback, it is at the discretion of the employer.
How does handle cases where employers consistently do not provide feedback?
We take the responsibility of feedback seriously. If we receive consistent reports that an employer is not providing feedback, we may take action, including potentially blocking the employer's account. We aim to maintain a positive and constructive environment for all users.
Wondering why some profiles on are verified and others might not make the cut? We've got you covered with our validation criteria
Keep It Real: Profiles with complete, accurate information and a professional photo get the thumbs up. Those with missing or misleading details might not make it.

Stay on Point: Your profile should align with our talent marketplace's focus on non-tech skills in the tech industry. We welcome candidates from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and educational paths.

Verify It: Confirm your identity like a pro! Verified profiles show you're the real deal. If your information raises concerns about authenticity, we'll need additional verification.

Be Cool: Keep it professional, respectful, and adhere to our community guidelines. We're all about creating a positive and inclusive environment. Any behavior that violates these principles won't fly.

Empty?: Incomplete profiles or responses that don't address the profile questions properly might not showcase your full potential. We want to help you shine, so take the time to complete your profile thoughtfully.

Play by the Rules: Abide by our terms and policies, and you're in good shape. However, any violations will be taken seriously and may result in rejection.

Experience and Impact: We value diverse backgrounds. We analyze your previous startup experience, your extracurricular startup activities and certifications, besides your form response, if you are not within the startup world yet. Your ability to make a meaningful impact in the startup world matters more to us than where you studied. Showcase your relevant experiences, skills, and aspirations on your signup form. We encourage candidates from all walks of life to join our community. We're dedicated to maintaining a real, professional, and inclusive talent marketplace. Profiles that reflect this ethos are sure to get our approval. Questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out to us anytime. 🌟🚀
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